


18 years ago the
USA had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and
Johnny Cash ….

Now they have no
Jobs, no Hope and no Cash.





Jake – From a Distance



From a distance ships should see the light at night or in fog because it was not called Cape of Storms for nothing.

Weekly Photo Challenge – Urban


The Urban electrical and telephone lines can spoil the beauty.

Good advice for Monday


Story challenge – G for Giant Python


Story Challenge – G


Why you should not acquire exotic pets

A monstrous Burmese python measuring 17 feet, 7 inches and carrying a record-breaking 87 eggs has been captured in Florida.

Weighing in at a colossal 164.5 pounds, the giant female is the largest snake of its kind found in the state and serves as further evidence of how the foreign predator is threatening local wildlife, say researchers.

‘This thing is monstrous, it’s about a foot wide,’ said Kenneth Krysko, from the Florida Museum of Natural History. ‘It means these snakes are surviving a long time in the wild, there’s nothing stopping them and the native wildlife are in trouble.’

Scientists tracked the snake’s movements to learn about how the species are invading the area – using the bugged reptile to locate other snakes as they congregated for mating.

Burmese pythons, native to southern Asia, arrived in the U.S. three decades ago as part of the exotic pet industry. Although the species are not poisonous they are powerful enough to kill humans by suffocating them.

Read the rest of the article here

Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong


Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong





These street names are in South Africa right?




They are in Berlin. The Germans showed solidarity with the Boers at the beginning of 1900  when the  Boers  were involved in a war with England over gold and diamonds.

Story Challenge – F


Story challenge F


Curiosity lands on Mars.

The pictures tell the story.


Weekly Photo Challenge – Growth.


Weekly Photo Challenge .


How can you not grow to love these? Big Time

Tricks from Masters of Disguise


Cuckoos have been revealed as masters of disguise.

The songbirds, which famously trick other birds into raising their young, use coats of different colours to maximise their odds of sneaking into another bird’s nest, research suggests.

Once the other birds gets wise to one disguise, cuckoos clad in a second colour scheme are still able to slip by and lay their eggs

In Britain, most female cuckoos grey and hawk-like, but some have reddish-brown feathers similar to those of kestrels.

The reason for the evolution of the two different colour schemes comes from Cambridge University scientists who studied how reed warblers reacted to wooden cuckoos poised to ‘invade’ their nests and lay their eggs.

If the reed warblers tried to fend off the cuckoo, others nearby mounted their own attack if the wooden cuckoo was later put by their nests.

But, crucially, they only did this if the cuckoo was the same colour as the one that threatened their neighbours.

In the real world, this would make it easier for cuckoos sporting the second type of plumage to sneak into a nest, the journal Science reports.


Read more here