
Tim’s retirement Plan


Tim’s Retirement Plan!


There is a new diet on the market at least once a week I guess and still the numbers of obese people are increasing. I am sure the want for magic has been with humans forever. But if there was this magic pill everybody would be slim. Look at Oprah, all the money in the world but…..

Saw this article http://m.news24.com/health24/Columnists/Too-much-too-soon-Tim-Noakes-20150109,

So many specialists (Noakes is a sport specialist please do not confuse!) have warned people, but I should have listened will come too late. Pretoria University has spoken out so many times, but  it seems to fall on deaf ears.  He has followers I am telling you, more than some prophets.

Banting is quite similar to the Dr Atkins diet, and do you know what he died from? And how much he weighed in the end?

Spoke to a gastroenterologist who said she has had to take several patients off this diet because of serious complications.

Of course Noakes will tell you this diet is not for everyone – he has to cover his arse.

Please read the article. And this one too http://www.health24.com/Diet-and-nutrition/News/Tim-Noakes-backtracks-on-dairy-20141020

We are so addicted to processed food, the easy way out. And if you don’t like animals and you don’t care how they are slaughtered sure eat meat 7 days a week and don’t cut the fatty bits off.

In the mean time Tim must be laughing all the way to the bank.

You like playing golf?


OK then this you will understand.


This one may bring a little mist to your eyes… only a golfer would understand

A man and his wife walked into a dentist’s office. The man said to the dentist, “Doc, I’m in one heck of a hurry I have two buddies sitting out in my car waiting for us to go play golf, so forget about the anesthetic, I don’t have time for the gums to get numb. I just want you to pull the tooth, and be done with it! We have a 10:00 AM tee time at the best golf course in town and it’s 9:30 already… I don’t have time to wait for the anesthetic to work!’

The dentist thought to himself, “My goodness, this is surely a very brave man asking to have his tooth pulled without using anything to kill the pain.” So the dentist asks him, “Which tooth is it sir?”

The man turned to his wife and said, “Open your mouth Honey, and show him……..”